You are in a difficult situation and your lovely Virginian home is in a danger of going to an auction. You fell in love with this house in the “City of Seven Hills” in the foothills of Blue Ridge Mountains – Lynchburg, but suddenly you can’t pay your allocations of loans. Even if it is difficult to you, you have to make the single possible action- to react immediately and to try to find some cash for your house before foreclosure. Think about the situation – if it is only temporary that you are out of money, you can ask for help family, relatives, friends, colleagues or even your employer. Don’t be ashamed of it, many people found themselves in the same situation, especially in the periods of economic crisis and the widespread unemployment. If they have the availability, be sure that your relatives and friends will be glad to help you.
Virginian foreclosure procedure gives you only 90 days of delay with monthly payment, but if you manage to rescue even only one installment by collecting money to pay it, you will have another 90 days for looking for a better solution. But if you are 100% sure that you won’t be able to pay the loan anymore, then it is absolutely sure that you will lose your home. So the right thing is to try to get rid of the house and get out of the situation with less possible losses. This is where we come in to help! We will buy your house before you damage your credit any more.
You will get through this and is not the end. The important thing is to stay calm and think about your future. You will have other possibilities to have your own home when the financial situation in your life goes again in better direction. If you focus your efforts to the options of earning or collecting some cash for your home, you can manage to keep it. If not – then try to earn some cash from it and to pay off your depts. It is some kind of successful end of the situation even if you lose your home, but manage to cover all loans, interests and depts.